Spirituality may seem like a fad, a bit out there, a bit confusing to many people. It's always reminded me of my wacky Auntie with her mystical scents & funky yoga pants; but strip back all of these misconceptions & it becomes that untouchable feeling, that magic, which exists within every single one of us.
In this book, Fearne Cotton breaks it down to reveal just how close we all are to this something that is bigger than us.

I am a big fan of Fearne's books but I think this has got to be up there with my favourite so far. It has opened my eyes to spirituality in such a new, beautiful & exciting way. It is a way of life & a reachable, realistic one at that. Every category that is covered comes with a little chat to a professional in the area of which they are talking about & it is so fascinating! The way that the book goes on & as the conversations dive deeper it feels as if the conversations are being had on our very own individual journey. A friend to a friend, on this journey of discovery to something bigger that is out there but also within each of us.
'Have compassion for yourself. Be kinder, gentler to yourself. Talk to yourself like you would your best mate.'
- Fearne Cotton
From enneagrams & astrology to rituals & intuition, I was lucky enough to go along to the Bigger than Us book launch back in January where I had the biggest shift in belief of one of the chapters in this book to what my outlook had been previously & that is Prayer. I think it seems to be something about the word for me, as a non religious being, Prayer seems to be ingrained with the visualisation of a God or a Church until this book came along with a chat with Donna Lancaster almost weaving the element of Prayer with the Law of Attraction, saying that instead it does not have to be religious at all. This something bigger than us can be whatever it is we want it to be & by Praying to it, we are handing over our worries to trust in the divine timings of this something bigger.
'I would much rather live in a world where Venus is a goddess and everything has meaning than just believe we are all simply matter, hurtling along through space.'
- Paula Shaw
If you have ever had a little interest in Spirituality this is the perfect book to read, it dips its toe into so many different categories so that you can have a little listen to your own intuition & see which one is right for you to delve deeper into. It is also great across the board in bringing these elements into our modern day life, to slowing our 'rat race' down, taking a look around & giving us a much deeper meaning to this beautiful existence. I for one, will be turning the pages of this book a few times more.
'I want more peace, a deeper connection, a trust in life, faith instead of worry, more meaningful moments, acceptance in the messy bits, even MEANING in the messy bits.'
- Fearne Cotton

Bigger than Us has led me to listen to even more of Fearne's podcasts of which some in particular I have found deeply inspiring (Rhonda Byrne's episode & especially Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad)
Bigger than Us by Fearne Cotton: Bigger than Us (wob.com)